Literary Magazine


Poetry, Short Stories, Essays, Plays, Scripts

Deadline: January 15, 2003

I'm starting a school literary magazine. Depending on funds, the magazine will be in book format or on-line. The publication date is slated for May of 2003. I will read all of the entries and choose those that I feel showcase creativity, originality and critical thought. Eventually, I will need a board of editors. I will probably hand-select these editors, but if you are interested, please contact me by coming to my room or leaving a note in my mailbox.

1. Submit as many manuscripts as you'd like.

2. Manuscripts must be typed or they will not be read.

3. Submit manuscripts with a cover page; do not fold manuscripts.

4. Make sure your full name and your homeroom number appear on your cover page.

5. If your are submitting more than five pages, please put them in a large envelope.


Please put all entries in Mrs. Brunelle's mail box. Mark the entries "Literary Magazine" or they may be misplaced.
